Monday, October 1, 2012

Creating a Podcast

Jenny and I created a podcast over the weekend based on an article that we found on the web titled "Flipped Classrooms Still Finding Their Way." The article is about the idea of "flipping" a classroom and the positive ways it can impact a classroom as well as some challenges that teachers face implementing this new strategy.

The actual writing of the script and recording of the podcast did not take a lot of time.  I had expected the project to endure several hours, but really the bulk of the work can be completed in well under an hour.  The part of the process that takes the longest is editing.

I can see how this would be a fun way to engage my future students. I wouldn't have my primary school students tackle such a serious topic as the one that Jenny and I discussed.  I would include jokes, funny sound effects, and crazy music.  This is a great way for young students to get creative while learning.

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