Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Creating a Public Service Announcement

Three of my classmates and I created a Public Service Announcement on Digital Citizenship called Enter if You Dare.  After reviewing the Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship, we decided to focus on Digital Security. 

Our group spent a considerable amount planning out our PSA.  One of my personal strengths is organization and coordinating, so I set up a Google Doc where we could work on our ideas, write our storyboard, and discuss logistics and materials needed on our own time.  I also set up a Doodle where we could set up a convenient time to film.  Doodle is a wonderful site that I was introduced to this summer, and I use it all of the time now.  I was fortunate to work with several creative minds, and together we created a great tagline and storyboard.  The amount of planning we put in shines though in the final product.

Creating the PSA reminded me that I have to share the knowledge of Digital Security with my future students.  Also, I think it would be fun to create skits with my future students.  However, as an aspiring elementary school teacher, I doubt I would give the task of editing the PSA to my students. I think it would be fun and educational for them, however, to help act of skits and see their work on video with special effects. If I ever work with older students in the future, I would definitely consider having them create and edit their own videos. My group had a good time putting together our skit, so I can see it working at several grade levels. 

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