Saturday, October 6, 2012

Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts: Chapters 7, 9 Reflection

In the text Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts Chapter 7 discussed Flikr and Chapter 9 discussed social networking sites such as Facebook and Ning. 

I had never thought about using social sites in my classroom.  The idea of using Facebook in the classroom had never crossed my mind.  These chapters definitely altered my opinion on this subject. For older students, Facebook could be a great way to engage students.  As a future elementary school teacher, I still doubt I will use many social networking sites.  However, they could be educational for older students.

As a teacher I will use online photo sharing in my classroom.  A genius idea I found in the book was finding photos online that students could write about.  This would be a great way to write short fiction stories or even haikus in my classroom.  I still don't think that I will use Facebook in my classroom, but this book was the very first time I had ever been told that I don't need to delete my Facebook account in order to be an educator.

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