Monday, September 24, 2012

Blogs, Wiki, Podcast: Chapters 4-5 Reflection

In the Blogs, Wiki, Podcast text the fourth and fifth chapters are about wikis and RSS feeds.

In my high school chemistry class we actually used a wiki as a class project.  It was a really great way to collaborate together without having to meet at the same time.  I really enjoyed the wiki project that I have already done and would like to do something similar with my future students.  With the knowledge from these chapters, I now have plenty more ideas for how I can use wikis in my classroom.  I believe that the upper elementary school students that I plan to teach could use wikis to do brainstorming and book reports with a little bit of help and encouragement.

Before this chapter, I had never heard of and RSS feed before.  I think it will be a useful tool as an educator. When my future students have their own blogs, I can use the RSS feed to access all of their blogs in one convenient place.  I'm sure with all of the work I will have to do as an elementary school teacher, using an RSS feed will make my life that much easier.

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